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Get Styled NOW!
Styled NOW! will help you to achieve the following when engaging in personal styling services:
Closet Organization
Includes two major aspects of a woman’s closet.
- Purging clothes that do not fit properly or that are out-dated/past it’s prime.
- Organizing your closet in a cohesive fashion that allows you to find your garments easily according to color or categories
Restructuring your wardrobe to fit your lifestyle.
- Casual day wear
- Working attire
- Evening looks
- Special Events
Outfit Lookbooks
Creating clothing ensembles to meet the demands of each client.
- Photographing your new coordinated outfits with your existing wardrobe and preparing a gallery of looks in a binder or DVD.
Contact Styled NOW! to Find Out More!
Styled NOW! will help you to achieve the following when engaging in fashion styling services:
Editorial Styling
- Choosing the clothing, accessories and general look for the shoot
- Contact brand showrooms and PR agencies, consult designer cookbooks, or store directly
Brand Consulting
- Consulting with designers to bring a complete look to the collection
Celebrity Styling
- Dressing the celebrity on a regular basis or for special events
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