Swimsuit Guide and Ideas 2013

Jeans or Swimsuits? Which one is the most dreadful for women , it’s a complete toss-up every year. I’ve heard grunts and even some very unpleasant words hurled at the piles of swimsuits on the dressing room floor. However every year our beloved magazines come out with some very helpful guides on how to purchase the right swimsuit for your body type. This year Self Magazine online was my winner for the easiest to read and understand , matching your body type to the most flattering styles of swimsuits on the market today. Below is a quick guide from their article, ” The Best Swimsuits for Your Body Type”.

If you are Curvy, Plus-Sized or have a Heavy Mid-Section, here are some choices for you:

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If your Top-Heavy, Bottom-Heavy or Short- Waisted, here are your options:

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If your Boy-Shaped, Petite or Small-Busted, here are your choices:

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Hope this guide helps make your decisions a little easier  and your shopping experience a little more pleasurable. To view the entire collection of suggestions and ideas please visit www.Self.com (http://www.self.com/summer-beauty-style/best-swimsuits-for-your-body-type-slideshow#)